
Welcome to our Introduction to Facilitation workshop, written in collaboration with theatre director and Old Vic Education Associate Freyja Winterson. Over the course of this workshop, you will explore what a facilitator does, how they work, and you will have a go at creating your own mini-workshop.

This workshop is broken down into sections, so you can complete it in your own time and at your own pace. If you get stuck and need any assistance, you can contact us at

Remember, this workshop isn’t about getting things right – it’s about your artistic ideas. Good luck, and have fun.


Write down or think of as many different types of workshops as you can. They might be workshops you’ve attended or maybe they’re ideas that you would love to see come to life. For example:

  • A poetry workshop.
  • An art workshop.
  • A sports workshop.
  • A workshop about leadership skills.

How many others can you think of?

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